Download free celeste mirror temple
Download free celeste mirror temple

  • Dash corner correction no longer applies if the corner has spikes on top of it.
  • 0.01s is a single frame at 100% game speed, but because explosion impacts freeze the game for 0.1s, this is effectively a 0.1s grace period. Examples of explosions are bumpers, puffer fish, and respawning seekers.
  • Added a grace period of 0.01s for gaining horizontal boosts off of explosions by holding the direction you will be sent in at the moment of impact.
  • Fixed MoveBlocks giving inconsistent momentum when moving vertically and being steered horizontally.
  • Fixed a bug where wall jumps from the right side of walls could sometimes not gain the momentum of the wall.
  • Moved the bottom screen kill zone down 4px.
  • download free celeste mirror temple

    Madeline now uses the ducking sprite when crouch dashing.Fixed game timer freezing during unpause (this adds 0.15s IGT to each unpause compared to before).Added 0.1s of input buffering on the Pause input.Control rebinds will be reset to default when you download this update.You can bind a dedicated Quick Restart button to use this feature Removed the hard-coded Quick Restart shortcut on gamepads (L + R + Start), because it can now conflict with custom rebinds.The option to reset all controls to defaults must now be held to confirm.Added binds for Advanced: Directionals for movement- or dashing-only.'Hold' mode crouch dashes when the button is held and a regular dash button is pressed

    download free celeste mirror temple

    'Press' mode crouch dashes when the button is pressed. After a 'Crouch Dash' bind is set, a 'Crouch Dash Mode' option will appear.Overhauled the control rebinding system, to allow for much more granular and complete rebinding, including menu inputs and more.Added the 'Grab Mode' option, which allows you to use the grab button as a toggle rather than holding it.Added an additional 'Screenshake' setting: 50%, which is now the default.

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